Please write teamcamarenamx at gmail.com to receive a
PDF Sponsorship Package in ENGLISH or SPANISH
Team Camarena is composed of Adriana Camarena, Estefana Quintero, Veronica Huerta and Karla Martínez. Our team was formed to participate as the Mexican national curling team in the first Pan-Continental Curling Championship (PCCC) in November 2022 in Calgary, Canada.
In our first year together, we won silver in the B Division of the PCCC. Team Camarena has once again been named the Mexican Women’s National Curling Team for the 2023-2024 season.
Our goal is to represent Mexico at the 2030 Winter Olympics and stand out internationally in this winter sport, displaying our common values as athletes, teammates and Mexicans. We are tenacious, positive, disciplined, skilled, supportive, empathetic, respectful, and proud of our traditions, history, and diversity.
We all share the objective of achieving excellence in curling and participating in higher-level events each year. The next step is to win the B Division of the PCCC to advance to the A Division. Then we will look for our qualification to the annual World Curling Championship. Once our place at World’s has been secured, the next moment will be to book a ticket to the Olympics.
So far, our families and friends have supported our achievements by contributing to our fundraising efforts. As we set our sights higher, costs also increase. We are approaching companies and foundations–like you–that understand success and want to support our climb to world competitivity. We have a long way to go and with your sponsorship we will make it happen.
All teammates were born and raised in Mexico, and now live on the West Coast of the United States and Canada. We have a Canadian coach, Doug Dalziel, who accompanies us throughout the year virtually and in person. Each team member works hard during the competition season and off-season training to arrive mentally and physically prepared for the competitive events that begin in August of each year.
In order to achieve our goal we require a variety of resources to train properly, be physically and mentally fit, ensure proper nutrition, and travel to compete in high quality events with our technical coach.
During the year 2022, the team incurred the following competition and training expenses. The cost is in USD dollars.
Cost USD | Cost USD | Cost USD | |||
Club memberships | $600 | Equipment and materials | $3,000 | Transportation | $22,000 |
League fees | $4,000 | Dedicated ice rental | $2,000 | Lodging | $20,000 |
Event registration | $5,000 | Sports psychology | $1,800 | Per diems | $10,000 |
Coach expenses | $5,000 | Uniforms and crests | $5,000 | Personal trainers | $9,600 |
Team Camarena has earned an esteemed reputation for high performance and a desirable brand from our achievements in the past year that can add value to our business partners. To help our team—the 2023-2024 Mexican national women’s curling team—achieve our goals, we are looking for sponsorships from companies that want to promote our success and talent. Together we can reach new audiences in Mexico, the United States, Canada and the rest of the world where we travel to compete.
We approach our relationship with our business partners with the same professional approach that we take in training and competing: We will represent your company with class and promote your business at each and every opportunity we have throughout the curling season.

There are five levels of opportunity to integrate your name, products and services into the curling community during our competitive and training tours. The highest level grants an exclusive opportunity to sponsor us as Mexico’s women’s national curling team: Team Mexico.
We can tailor your level of support to suit your marketing objectives and to provide maximum recognition for your investment.
Tour Sponsorships
In the year prior to the PCCC, Team Camarena normally travels to 10 or more curling centers to train and compete. Putting your mark on our competitive touring and training uniform maximizes your support for our improvement and gives your brand repeat visibility at the places we visit in the USA, Canada and potentially other parts of the world.

Team México Sponsorship
If your company carries out business in Mexico, you may also choose to be one of the exclusive sponsors of the 2023 Mexican women’s national team. Your brand will shine prominently on any WCF live broadcast or news coverage and other media opportunities during WCF events. Your company will stand out for promoting inclusion, diversity and equity in this favorite winter sport.

Whichever sponsorship level you choose, funds will go exclusively to cover our training and competition expenses, including registration fees, coaching costs, equipment, travel and accommodation, necessary to help us achieve our goals.
All sponsors will receive recognition through social media promotions, as well as autographed team photos that will be distributed at the events we attend. Our partners’ companies and/or products will be endorsed by Team Camarena and its members.
We are open to designing a sponsorship agreement that fits your company’s needs and budget. Talk to us about what level of recognition will work best for you and your brand, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your marketing requests.

Please notify us if you are interested in this great promotional opportunity by July 15, 2023 so we have time to include your brand on our uniform and sign up for various training and competition events, which will only be possible with your generosity. Transfers can be made directly to our Team Mexico GoFundMe campaign (or we can provide bank details by email).
Thank you in advance for considering being part of our team as we continue on our path of excellence and representing our country at international events. If you choose to support our team, we promise to be great ambassadors for the sport of curling, our country and your company.
Adriana, Estefy, Veronica and Karla
Mexican women’s national curling team
(Team Camarena)
GoFundMe: www.gofundme.com/teammexicowomen2023
Email: teamcamarenmx@gmail.com
IG and FB: @teamcamarenamx

Curling is considered one of the fastest growing winter sports worldwide and is the fourth most watched sport at the Winter Olympics, surpassing hockey. Worldwide 70,000,000 million people admire the strategy of the sport.
Curling’s popularity reaches peak global attention around the Winter Olympics, but the sport’s fan base is growing every year around the world, attracting a growing multicultural and age-diverse demographic that can benefit businesses and corporations.
Last year the presence of Mexican curling teams was broadcast by TSN (Canada), CLARO SPORTS (Mexico), El Calambre (Mexico), CurlingZone (USA) and RE-CAST (worldwide) in association with the World Federation of Curling, to mention a few media outlets. Increasingly, curling clubs are also live streaming their events, giving sponsors visibility both locally and globally.
Curling is the only professional sport where athletes wear microphones, drawing fans into the action on the ice and generating a uniquely exciting TV experience for viewers. The season extends from August to April.
Through the tight-knit network of competitors and wide fan base, sponsors have the ability to reach many different demographics and target markets. Tim Hortons is one of many sponsors that aligned its brand with the sport in Canada.
Now is the best time to associate your name with a sport of precision execution and excellence in sportsmanship to grow our presence together.